Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Serial RS232

Serial Ports come in two "sizes", There are the D25 pin type connector and the D9 pin type connector, both of which are male on the back of the PC, thus you will require a female connector on your device. Below is a table of pin connections for the 9 pin and 25 pin D-Type connectors.

18CDCarrier Detect
23RDReceive Data
32TDTransmit Data
420DTRData Terminal Ready
57SGSignal Ground
66DSRData Set Ready
74RTSRequest To Send
85CTSClear To Send
922RIRing Indicator

CDCarrier DetectWhen the modem detects
a "Carrier" from the modem at the other end of the phone line, this Line becomes active.
RDReceive DataSerial Data Input (RXD)
TDTransmit DataSerial Data Output (TXD)
DTRData Terminal ReadyThis is the opposite to DSR. This tells the Modem that the UART is ready to link.
DSRData Set ReadyThis tells the UART that the modem is ready to establish a link.
RTSRequest To SendThis line informs the Modem that the UART is ready to exchange data.
CTSClear To SendThis line indicates that the Modem is ready to exchange data.
RIRing IndicatorGoes active when modem detects a ringing signal from the PSTN.

Null Modems
A Null Modem is used to connect two serial communication devices. This is commonly used as a cheap way to network games or to transfer files between com
puters (using Zmodem Protocol, Xmodem Protocol etc). This can also be used with many Microprocessor Development Systems. It only requires 3 wires (TD, RD & SG) to be wired straight through thus is more cost effective to use with long cable runs.

It has the receive and transmit lines connected together, so that anything transmitted out of the Serial Port is immediately received by the same port. If you connect this to a Serial Port an load a Terminal Program, anything you type will be immediately displayed on the screen.

Here datasheet for RS232

1 comment:

  1. how to add led to td-rd, dtr-dsr, cts-rts, cd?
